[Sussex] Grey Hairs and Procmails

Nik Butler nik at wired4life.org
Fri Jan 24 08:59:01 UTC 2003

> >my procmail recipes worked just fine on mbox but im a little unstuck in
> >the maildir format......
> >/usr/local/bin/formail -s /usr/local/bin/procmail ~/Mail/procmailrc
> ><~/Mail/$1
> >where $1 was originally the mbox format mail folder.
Sorry, I should recap, my inbound procmail which parses rules for audits
and logs correctly files and moves mail to respective folders. this I
know to be okay and im ahppy with that. What im left with is wanting to
process mail in inbox at the end of the day ... reusing some other
procmail rules !


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