[Sussex] Hi Nik/Geoff/Anyone - can you help?

Angelo Servini Angelo.Servini at claybrook.co.uk
Tue Jul 8 16:57:00 UTC 2003

Thanks for your comments Geoff.

I've got no qualms about your comments - fair nuff.


>1. Most people in IT have their CV's sent to prospective 
>employers via some 
>agency who universally reformat it and edit it.  Thus most 
>CV's turn up 
>looking like a complete mess (at the very minimum agencies remove your 
>contact details from the CV so that they can control the 

And, I know what you mean about the above.  I have come a cropper
in the past from agencies myself.  Surprising that peeps even
manage to get jobs using these bods.  In fact when it comes to
MY looking for future positions, I will keep your comments in mind.

In fact, I have never got a job where my experience was not relevant!
That is just where the job market is today; as more and more employers
"talent spot" so that they don't have to train anyone, or as little
as possible.  Its a real bone of contention from my perspective as
why should I have to spend my hard earned dosh on courses/books just 
so I can do my job more effectively.  Surely if I need to expand
certain skills to do a job, the employer should fork out.  These days
getting on a course is equivalent to getting the six little numbers
on the lotto. Grrr!

Angelo Servini
Claybrook Computing Ltd
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* angelo.servini at claybrook.co.uk

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