[Sussex] Redeham, Coinford/Claybrook was :Dell.. again

Andrew Guard agua at coinford.co.uk
Wed Mar 5 09:25:03 UTC 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geoff Teale [mailto:Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk]
> Sent: 05 March 2003 08:53
> To: 'sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk'
> Subject: RE: [Sussex] Redeham, Coinford/Claybrook was :Dell.. again
> > Is Sutherland that the building next to bowling alley and 
> > where Job Centre
> > used to be about 10 years ago.
> No, it's the big grey building on Haslett Avenue, next to the 
> "Squareabout"
> with the Holiday Inn "Express", "Jefferson's" and the pub 
> call "The Hawth".
> It's the former office of the Paymaster General and it looks 
> very much as if
> it was designed in the 1950's by someone named Vlad or Sergei.

Yep now I know, it next to where Seeboard used to be.

It big, and not nicest building, I did some work experience there when I was
at school.  I was located in where pay-master had there mainframes, no
windows at all. 

I agree with you it one worst buildings around!

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