[Sussex] Welcome to Newbies

Gareth ABLETT garethablett at phpw.fsnet.co.uk
Fri Mar 7 20:51:02 UTC 2003

> On 06 March 2002 at 20:41 Gareth ABLETT wrote:
>             ^^^^
> Check you're system time mate - or have to travelled back in time
> with yesterday's e-mails?

oh ya thanks i was messing with the cpu clock settings and messed 
up so had to reset the bios and didnt put the time back propaly.
> > Folowing that well you wrote a program in C and well to do
> > anything like intergrating that into the site is more hard work
> > so i'm not sure of what i need to do will have to look into it.
> All you should need to do is locate the binary in a path that is
> configured to be available to apache and it's sub-processes.  Then
> call in from the php file (which I haven't a clue about).  I've
> done this sort of thing with SSI.

hmm easier sad then done when lug.org.uk doesnt give you much 
access to the settings.

Gareth Ablett

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