[Sussex] Improving on UNIX

dominic.clay at btopenworld.com dominic.clay at btopenworld.com
Fri Mar 14 11:44:03 UTC 2003

The title of this thread is 'Improving on Unix'.....
I suggest that this was a very sensible and worthwile title.

It is this sort of thing that might actualy make a difference in the end.

However, the futhering of Unices is going to go nowhere with insane burblings about how evil Mr Gates is.  Fact is he _does_ have a successful product, which is _not_ perfect.

Lets try and 'Improve on Unix' guys, lets make Unices a better option for more people (at the very least for me :P )... 


>  from:    Geoff Teale <Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk>
>  date:    Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:32:13
>  to:      sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk
>  subject: RE: [Sussex] Improving on UNIX
> Steve wrote:
> ------------
> > Only in part.  I was also trying to say that the policy they 
> > are using to 
> > grow there share of that market, while successful in the 
> > desktop market,
> > won't
> > work for servers.
> I sincerely hope you are right.
> <snip>
> > I hadn't see that report.  And yes it is worrying.  But if 
> > they are doing
> > that
> > then, my limited legal knowledge, it suggests that they leave 
> > themselves
> > open to
> > another "Anti-trust" case from the DoJ.  I would expect the 
> > DoJ to take a
> > much,
> > much dimmer view of Microsoft if they were found to be still 
> > playing the
> > same
> > old game a second time around.
> Well, you could say that about many, many things they have done.  The point
> is that you have to make specific charges, and in the USA at least Microsoft
> have shown that even if you are guilty you can buy political influence and
> turn the whole thing around in your favour.  I also think that the DOJ would
> be less than keen to repeat the whole excercise.  Hopefully the European
> Commission will be less open to influence.
> On top of that, it turn out that the new Office XML formats don't actually
> provide any information about formatting, so they are effectively useless
> for most modern documents (they are very useful for document management
> though).  Unfortunately it means Microsoft can market its product as having
> open XML file formats (just like starOffice) but without really opening it
> up at all.
> Slippery sods..
> -- 
> geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
> tealeg at member.fsf.org
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