[Sussex] Improving on UNIX

dominic.clay at btopenworld.com dominic.clay at btopenworld.com
Fri Mar 14 12:10:00 UTC 2003


Sorry about sounding a little supercilious :)
One of my pet hates is the idea that A is all good because B has flaws.  I am really interested in learning to use Linux (etc) as much as possible for its own sake, not because I begrudge Mr Gates his empire.  
If I find Linux a more efficient and elegant mechanism to do a job, then I will use it.  I believe that this is what we should consider when attempting to improve the worlds view on Unices, not the fact that MS have done it first.

I'm sure that there are many systems that could be different in the non-MS specific world (my current favourite is BIND and 'named' configuration!!!!)  Why don't we talk about that :)

Sorry I'm being supercilious again :)


>  from:    Steve Dobson <SDobson at manh.com>
>  date:    Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:51:26
>  to:      sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk
>  subject: RE: [Sussex] Improving on UNIX
> Dominic
> On 14 March 2003 at 11:43 dominic.clay at btopenworld.com 
> > The title of this thread is 'Improving on Unix'.....
> > I suggest that this was a very sensible and worthwile title.
> > 
> > It is this sort of thing that might actualy make a difference 
> > in the end.
> > 
> > However, the futhering of Unices is going to go nowhere with 
> > insane burblings about how evil Mr Gates is.  Fact is he 
> > _does_ have a successful product, which is _not_ perfect.
> > 
> > Lets try and 'Improve on Unix' guys, lets make Unices a 
> > better option for more people (at the very least for me :P )... 
> I feel justly chastised.
> Steve
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