[Sussex] Debian Install

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Mon Mar 17 08:56:01 UTC 2003

All Debian users out there.

On 16 March 2003 at 21:13 Nik Butler wrote:
> apt-get dist-upgrade ?

And on 16 March 2003 at 23:27 Neil Ford wrote:
> If my Debian memory is correct.
> apt-get update
> apt-get dist upgrade

Half marks to both of you.

Quick summary of the apt-get commands

apt-get update:
Should always be done before doing any apt-get operation
that may put stuff on the remote server.  It checks that
it has the latest list of the packages from the server,
and if not pulls them.

apt-get upgrade:
Checks that the packages installed are the latest versions,
and if not upgrades.  This command (after the update) should
be done periodically so that you get the security updates and

apt-get dist-upgrade:
Upgrades from one release to another.

apt-get install:
Install a packages (and it's repugnancy) that is not already

apt-get remove:
Remove an already installed on your system.


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