[Sussex] The deathly silence?

John Davis big-john at dsl.pipex.com
Sun Mar 23 19:45:00 UTC 2003

Yo list,

Is it me or has the list suddenly gone vvv quiet this weekend?

Perhaps, there has been some strange plague that only attacks linux users? Or 
maybe some sort of curious death ray that eminates from the linux users 

I appreciate that being one of those who lurks round the edges of the mailing 
list (mainly due to lack of *knowledge/ignorance/stupidity/fear of killing my 
mandrake install*) I am often unable to offer any appropriate input, but I 
quite enjoy reading some of the "high brow" stuff that the more 
*experienced/knowledgable/technically competent/geeky* amongst the list often 
post and often pick up more idea's here than I do from trying to remember 
what it was that I was supposed to be surfing for in the first place.

Or perhaps there has been massed round up and extermination of people with 
large amounts of linux knowledge by a secret underground group of micr0$0ft 

Whatever the cause, it's been bloody quiet on the list this weekend!


John D:p

p.s. * = delete as appropriate!
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