[Sussex] More on Bad Maths

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Wed Mar 26 08:09:00 UTC 2003

Nik wrote:
> But if I was being cheaky, Id just use my camera to take a picture at
> any moment, call the RGB values of the image n and say n is random.
> Do I win then ?

*sigh*, Nik.. I really didn't think you'd had that much Jim Bim. 

1. Show me the algorithm that can take a picture...;)  

2. Once you've achieved that then explain to me exactly how _anything_ in
that smapled data was random rather than determined by its environment and
I'll gladly buy you a pint (Nik, if you need a drink, just ask ;) ).

Randomness is, of course a purely hypothetical concept - there is no such
thing as a Random number.  Simply sampling any given entity in the universe
for ay property will not do, because those states are physical absolutes and
are predetermined by the state of everything else in the universe.
Moreover, as _any_ computer scientist would tell you it is impossible for a
computer to ever generate a random number (for obvious reasons), so when you
use rnd() (or whatever it is in your language-of-choice) you are simply
relying on a suitable simulation of randomness.

.. the competition remains open.. solve this one and you're in for a lot
more than a pint.. the odd Nobel prize wouldn't go amiss.

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
tealeg at member.fsf.org

Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of
course, in a state of sin.
-- J. von Neumann

Version: 3.1
GCS d? s+:+ a- K? w---$ O M+ V- PS++ PE- Y+ PGP- t--- 5-- X R- tv- b+++ 
DI++++ D G+ e++ h--- r+++ z+++

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