[Sussex] Small business loves Linux

Angelo Servini Angelo.Servini at claybrook.co.uk
Wed Mar 26 09:37:01 UTC 2003

Ta m8, thats better. I will explain my loathing. Many moons ago, back at the
start of my computing career, I worked as a YTS  (Youth Training Scheme)
Trainer, teaching IT to miserable youth who had no intention of learning
anything during the bad ol' Thatcher Years.  We actually had to go on
courses to learn the new acronyms that the ruling bods thought up on a
yearly basis!  The trouble is the whole computing industry seems to have
been sorely infected with this pernicious disease, and is increasing
exponentially.  As a result my brain 'urts. Ow!


Angelo Servini
Claybrook Computing Ltd
Sutherland House
Russell Way
West Sussex.  RH10 1UH
* 01293 604955
* 01293 604099 (Fax)
* angelo.servini at claybrook.co.uk

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