[Sussex] Self Extracting Archives

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Tue Nov 4 16:53:54 UTC 2003

On Tue, 2003-11-04 at 13:43, Gareth Ablett wrote:
> > I want it so I can package my CMS that I'm working on into a single,
> > self-extracting file that will automatically set itself up! :D
> ooh, a CMS I want to see this. I have an old CMS running on 
> the Sussex lug site that I created but have been working on 
> a new version for a while now. It would be interesting to 
> see what other people have done.

It's up and running at http://www.truthisfreedom.org.uk/ PHP/MySQL
backend, xhtml 1.0 strict compliant, and all styling done with
rudimentary CSS.

I'm now trying to tidy up the code and comment it nicely so that it can
be easily adapted to any other project I have to work on (have currently
been asked to do a website for a local church that they can update

Design never was my forte, but eventually I hope to write an install
script for it that will locate the appropriate httpdocs dir, extract the
archive to that directory, chmod them appropriately and run the script
on mysql that creates the database.  Then all that would be needed was
to alter the variables in one file that would set it up for each
individual site!

Good in theory, but will the practice work? ;)

|Matthew Macdonald-Wallace         |
|The Truth Will Set you Free       |
|http://www.truthisfreedom.org.uk/ |
BOFH Excuse #257: That would be because the software doesn't work.

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