[Sussex] Start button (was Cool gentOOo!)

Tony Austin tony at gigaday.com
Sat Nov 8 17:44:00 UTC 2003

> Quoting John Crowhurst <fyremoon at fyremoon.net>:
>> > On the subject of start buttons: My start button only works with the
>> > mouse.  The start keys on the keyboard have had a very easy life
>> (apart
>> > from when I  press them hoping that the magic pixie has made them work
>> > again) since  ditching Windows. Is there a way of making them work
>> > again?

In the final section of .icewm/preferences you can set various window key
options; as I use VNC a lot from within Windows I wanted to map some
alternate keys and have the following:-



There are also these settings on about line 90 that influence the action
of the Windows key:-

#  Support win95 keyboard keys (Penguin/Meta/Win_L,R shows menu)
# Win95Keys=0 # 0/1

#  Treat Penguin/Meta/Win modifier as Ctrl+Alt
# ModMetaIsCtrlAlt=1 # 0/1

I leave mine set to default.


Tony Austin
Gigaday Computing Limited
tony at gigaday.com

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