[Sussex] Worth a read

Tony Austin tony at gigaday.com
Mon Nov 10 09:39:42 UTC 2003

> To say that "we should understand coding" is like saying "we should
> understand car mechanics". I know how to drive, and I am proud of my
> recent
> acheivement of changing 8 spark plugs and the bush on the otter switch on
> my
> car... however, I am willing to bet that 80% of SLUG members have no idea
> what an otter switch is, let alone where the bush fits it...

Well, I guess I qualify to be the parent's generation of some of the LUG
group members, I'm 58.  And, I have stripped down several car and
motorcycle engines to the bare components.  But I haven't a clue what an
otter switch is - must be some sort of new-fangle thingummybob, I suppose
- there's no mention of it in my Haynes Nisssan Primera manual.

> Regards,
> Mark
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Tony Austin
Gigaday Computing Limited
tony at gigaday.com

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