[Sussex] Test of smtp and query about DNS resolution

Tony Austin tony at gigaday.com
Mon Nov 17 20:28:45 UTC 2003

> Mozilla seems to be taking a while to resolve hostnames, am I right in
> thinking that if I put two DNS servers into /etc/resolv.conf this will
> speed things up even though I'm using DHCP?

That's not the way I understand it.  You can put extra DNS servers in
/etc/resolv.conf in case the first one doesn't respond in a timely manner,
so two could make it seem faster but probably only if the first one was
very slow.

I found that using my broadband router as a DNS caching server was
unreliable and hterefore I let my ISP's servers do the hard work. 
However, in theory a local DNS cache should work faster.

DHCP doesn't have anything to do with it - it just dishes out the IP

> TIA,
> Matt


Tony Austin
Gigaday Computing Limited
tony at gigaday.com

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