[Sussex] Make Modules only?

Tony Austin tony at gigaday.com
Thu Nov 20 12:30:15 UTC 2003

> All,
> I've decided to install davfs2 which requires coda present in my kernel.
> Is there a way to compile _just_ the module, instead of having to
> completely re-compile my kernel?  If so, will I need to reboot after I
> have compiled the module, or can I just "modprobe coda"?

I'd just do:

#make modules modules_install

then modprobe

I have got away with this a number of times and I don't see any reason
that it wouldn't work unless there is a dependence in your module that
would require a full kernel re-compile.

> The source I'm currently configuring is exactly the same as the kernel I
> am running.
> TIA,
> Matt
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Tony Austin
Gigaday Computing Limited
tony at gigaday.com

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