[Sussex] Debian install ?

John D. big-john at dsl.pipex.com
Fri Sep 5 08:38:00 UTC 2003

On Thursday 04 September 2003 9:37 pm, you wrote:
> Hi John
> On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 09:02:17PM +0100, John D. wrote:
> > Now it's a case of working out how to install the latest KDE (3.1.3), so
> > I can enjoy some of the "eye candy" that desktop drones such as myself so
> > delight in.
> I believe that the debs are out there, but they are not part of sarge.

I have managed to find some debs at kde for the 3.1.3 so it'll be just a case 
of having a go :)

> <snip>
> > I was wondering if any of you had come across this book
> >
> > http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0954161777/qid=1062705359/sr=1-2
> >/ref=sr_1_3_2/026-9501161-4705216#product-details
> >
> > as it seems to indicate that it is quite up to date and from a "well
> > informed" source ? (Although it is refered to as a "reference manual" - a
> > little daunting for "command line novices" like me - I thought it would
> > be the better option as there is a dearth of books about "bash" that
> > haven't been produced by O'Really).
> I'd be wary of this.  I haven't read this one (although I now am a true
> "Bourne-Again" shell user :-)  I do have the korn shell book, and then
> drops into "shell programming" very quickly.  For general Unix I've been
> recommending "Unix in a Nut Shell", but there is about half of that book
> that you're unlikly to use.  Maybe "Linux in a Nut Shell" would be better.
> If I were you I'd take a trip into Brighton and look at the shelves.  This
> is one book you want to have a quick read of before buying.  Read a bit
> about each chapter and see which boots best meet your needs.

That's what I will do Steve, as I'm still not sure about the "allegded" 
benefits of the "nutshell" books - I found my Web design in a nutshell, just 
a little too much "you can do this and that" but not nearly enough of the 
"this is how it's done" for what a novice like me really needs.

It's also that while I understand that Linux is "unix like", a lot of the 
hits from amazon seem very "unix specific" and I don't know it that would 
make any difference too me - because the likelyhood of me ever having access 
to a "proper unix system" is, somewhat minimal.

So Brighton, here I come!



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