[Sussex] Pulborough & Walberton Computer Clubs - Presentations

Jim Noble slug at jimnoble.org.uk
Thu Dec 9 18:02:21 UTC 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Dobson" <steve at dobson.org>
To: "LUG email list for the Sussex Counties" <sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Sussex] Fair's idea's

> ...I'm sure we could get some people together to come over and
> evangelise.  Please indicate some idea as to date, times etc.

Thanks for considering the suggestion.

The closest available dates are Tuesday 1st March or Wednesday 16th March. 
Alternatively, 3rd May and 19th May are also available. These are all normal 
club nights so the hall is already paid for. Presentations run from 19:30 to 
20:45ish and the doors open at 19:00 to allow for some setting up time. We 
have to depart the hall by 22:00 else we all turn into pumpkins.

We have a paid up membership of 53 and a typical turn out is 2-3 dozen. 
http://www.pulborough.freeuk.com/calendar2005.htm has a little more 
information about meeting format and includes a link to an appropriate 
multimap page.

The Autumn would probably be best. How about 27th September or 25th October? 
Again, these are normal club meetings with the hall paid for. Presentations 
run from around 19:45 to 21:00ish when there's a coffee break. After that, 
we usually gather around to ask general questions, answer questions, mention 
news or experiences or just brag. People start to drift away at 22:00 but so 
long as we're out of the hall before the play group starts in the morning, 
we can stay as late as we like.

The paid up membership is around 36 ISTR and typical attendances at a formal 
meeting are around 15-25. Walberton lies just south of the A27 between 
Arundel and Fontwell. Final approach instructions are given at 
http://www.freewebs.com/vcc/find.htm .

The audiences have varied skill and confidence levels, and most have no 
experience of a non-windowed environment. I suggest that the presentation 
focus on using Linux, its available applications and its advantages.

We have a projector with a native 1024x768 resolution. It happily 
interpolates others from 640x480 to 1280x1024. We normally run it from a 
laptop's SVGA connector.

Both halls have dial up internet access. We normally use a WHSmith account 
because it's not tied to a particular user.

Walberton has sound reinforcement equipment.

It would be good (but not essential) if we could fix dates before Christmas.


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