[Sussex] Web server help

Geoffrey Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Fri Dec 17 10:37:20 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-12-17 at 09:50 +0000, John D. wrote:
> Well it all look fine in evolution!

That's because Evolution is specifically designed to deal with the
office environment where Microsoft's sub-par products are commonly used,
it just has to deal with the crap.  Mutt assumes it's living in a text
only Unix utopia of UUCP and well written software.

You could make a case for either being the "better" approach, but Mutt
is definitely doing things the Unix way.

As a general recommendation to all the newbees, even if you have no
interest in programming, take a look at "The Art of Unix Programming" by
Eric S. Raymond to obtain a feel for what the "Unix way" is, once you
have a handle on it Linux (and any Unix) can be far more than a just a
drop in replacement for Windows.  Windows replacement functionality is
really Linux's weakest aspect though also its fastest improving.

Geoffrey Teale <gteale at cmedltd.com>
Cmed Technology

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