[Sussex] more broadband questions?

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Mon Dec 20 16:37:44 UTC 2004


On Mon, Dec 20, 2004 at 04:28:30PM +0000, Alan F wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 20, 2004 at 04:10:17PM +0000, John D. wrote:
> > 
> > On the face of it, for all round performance, it's between eclipse and
> > plusnet, but then there's the fact that supanet is ?5 a month cheaper.
> > 
> I'd recommend eclipse, since they've provided me with a solid uncapped
> and unfiltered 512kbit connection since broadband came to Midhurst.
> They were at the top of the adslguide speed test when we got it, but
> since they were bought out by kingston communications, it's slipped
> down... I know a kingston employee, who told me that they've been
> patching some of eclipse's bandwidth to their other
> customers/brands (!%$£^*&).
> I doubt you'd have any reason to cancel with them. They gave me a free
> /30 and delegated reverse DNS to my nameserver, which is very nice of
> them, but I'm not sure that's a guaranteed offer, maybe I just got a
> technician that was in a good mood. :)
> > p.s. those who use eclipse, do you think it's worth having the ability
> > to speed things up @ 8 pence per hour	
> >
> I've never tried it, since I'm usually patient enough to wait for
> downloads... I guess if you download warez^W^W^W^W^Wlinux
> distribution every so often it'd be useful. :)

Well I'm happy with my 512K Zen account, I'm not really thinking of
upgrading (maybe because I live far from the exchange).  I don't pull
that many big files from the Internet interactively.  The odd Linux kernel
patch and that's it.  My upgrading is taken care of from my local Debian
mirror which will out perform any boardband speed as it is either 11Mb
(WiFi) or 100Mb (10BaseT) depending upon the network.

I would be more interested in upgrading if the up-link speed was increased.
That way I would need to think about an off-site server for my clients to
get large files from my site.


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