[Sussex] Mail server recommendations?

tealeg at tealeg.uklinux.net tealeg at tealeg.uklinux.net
Sat Jan 3 11:52:45 UTC 2004


As so often with Unix/Linux what you need is not actually one program
but a small conllection of components that you can wire together
through standard interfaces.

You need an MTA that is or pretends to be sendmail (So that is
sendmail, exim, postfix or suchlike).  You need something like the
Courier IMAP agent to allow remote clients to pull their mail via
IMAP.  You need something like Squirrelmail to allow an http/https
interface to mail.

Generally speaking, in terms of power sendmail is all encompassing, but
exim and postfix are easier to set up.

This document is quite a good primer for fairly complex mails systems
(with virtual domains).  Although it is aimed at doing the job on a
gentoo box, it's quite simple to fill in the gaps:


.. I'm sure there's a whole load of HowTos out there anyhow, certainly
Debian and Redhat both have docs on this sort of thing..

GJ Teale
mailto : tealeg at member.fsf 
http   : www.tealeg.uklinux.net

Version: 3.12
GCS d? s+:+ a- C++++ UL++++ P--- L++++ E+++ W+++ N+++ o K- w---
O- M+ V-- PS++ PE-- Y+ PGP+ t--- 5-- X+ R- tv- b++ DI++++ D++
G+ e++ h--- r+++ y+++

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