[Sussex] Procmail filters not working...

nik at wired4life.org nik at wired4life.org
Tue Jan 6 18:37:45 UTC 2004

On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 06:30:16PM +0000, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> k, 
> one last time, sorry for all the list traffic...
thats okay since ive added matthew and procmail and filter to my
/dev/null rule set <grin>

nik at wired4life.org	http://www.wired4life.org/	Wired4Life, an Answer.

Two atoms are talking to each other, and one says,
"I think I've just lost an electron!"
"Are you certain?" the other replies.
"Yes! I'm positive!"

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