[Sussex] Re: I hate gnome :P

Jon Fautley jon at 3ait.co.uk
Thu Jan 22 09:56:15 UTC 2004

Tony Austin wrote:

>>#cdrecord -scanbus
>scans the "SCSI" bus to detect your CD writer and gives you the number (eg
>0,1,0) that you use in the next command.  My writer is SCSI, which
>actually simplifies things for me.  If yours is IDE you will either have
>to use the SCSI/IDE emulation, which you may need to find out about or, I
>believe, it can all be done with IDE these days - I'm not sure.

Indeed it can.. .just use dev=ATAPI:/dev/cdrom or whatever. It'll 
complain about it being unstable/might break/etc but i've not had any 
problems with it.


Jon Fautley
3aIT Limited - The Open Source Answer Company

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