[Sussex] [OT] Warships of the future...

Nicholas Butler nik at butlershouse.co.uk
Thu Jun 10 16:50:26 UTC 2004

Having been brought up as a Forces Child ( my Dad was Navy, stationed at 
RNAS Yeovilton ). I seem to remember that Wartime and TOD Comminuque 
from Family to those on duty were often succinct and abrubt. So you can 
imagine the situation that may occur when FCPO Bloggs gets what he 
thinks is a email from his SO, which reads

Subject : Im thinking of You
Attachment: myPicture.gif

And upon opening it the next thing he hears is the declining whir of 
ships engines and the sudden klaxons and alarms of many systems failing !

Firewalls , about as usueful as a AWS without good prevention.


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