[Sussex] kernel 2.6

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Mar 19 07:53:24 UTC 2004


On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 11:46:48PM +0000, David Chapman wrote:
> I have been playing with the 2.6 kernel on my SuSE box and have a bit of a 
> problem.
> My current /etc/fstab looks like this
> /dev/sdc3            /                    ext3       defaults              1 1
> /dev/sdd4            /home           ext3       defaults              1 2
> /dev/sdd1            /opt               ext3       defaults              1 2
> /dev/sdb4            /var/cache     ext3       defaults              1 2
> devpts               /dev/pts             devpts     mode=0620,gid=5       0 0
> proc                 /proc                proc       defaults              0 0
> usbdevfs             /proc/bus/usb        usbdevfs   noauto                0 0
> /dev/fd0             /media/floppy        auto       noauto,user,sync      0 0
> /dev/sdc1            /boot                ext3       defaults              1 2
> /dev/sda1            /windows/C           ntfs       defaults              0 0
> /dev/sdb1            /windows/D           ntfs       defaults              0 0
> /dev/sdb3            /windows/F           vfat       defaults              0 0
> /dev/sde5            /windows/G           ntfs       defaults              0 0
> /dev/sdc2            swap                  swap       pri=42               0 0
> But the 2.6 kernel thinks /dev/sda is /dev/sde
> 				       /dev/sdb is /dev/sda
> 				      /dev/sdc is /dev/sdb
> 				      /dev/sdd is /dev/sdc
> 				      /dev/sde is /dev/sdd

I haven't upgraded my SCSI system to 2.6 yet [not that that's going show up
this problem because there is only one tape driver on the SCSI bus :-)].

However, will upgrading my laptop I did read that "devfs" is not 
"OBSOLETE" and is being replaced by udev.  This might be causing some/all
of your problems.  Are you running devfs and devfsd?  If

udev (http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/) is changing
the way that the kernel handles devices.  The device namespace and major
number space (with the growth of USB devices and large SCSI systems) is 
not coping and work is afoot to remove the information to userland where
it belongs.

Steve D

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