[Sussex] CD Burning

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Sat May 8 17:46:18 UTC 2004


I'm currently putting a system together that has a web-based interface to organise tracks (audio - .ogg format) and burn them onto CD (I know there are similar applications, but this needs to be bespoke, and it's a good challenge!) 

I'm slightly stuck as to what to do when I come to the actual burning however, is it best to use mkisofs and then burn the image, or do I just use cdrecord and burn the playlist straight to the disc?  

I'm one of those people who instinctively use a gui unless they can use a shell quicker, so this is kinda new territory to me!

All help appreciated, TIA,



| Matthew Macdonald-Wallace     |
| matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk |
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