[Sussex] Dial-up twice

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Thu May 13 10:12:42 UTC 2004

On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 10:27:19AM +0100, Mike Diack wrote:
> Sorry to lengthen this thread and simultaneously go off topic....
> :)
> I'm thinking about moving shortly from BT Anytime dialup to
> Plus Net's new cheap 15 quid broadband package....
> HAs anyone any comments on PlusNet's broadband with Linux etc.?

Personally I'm on Zen.  I know that Jon uses Eclipse.  Both provide
a good service.

I've just checked out www.adslguide.org and compared them with 
PlusNet (and Deamon + BT OpenWoe).  Little to tell between
Zen & Eclipse (best of field) PlusNet was very good too.

My advice is go for a route ADSL connection.  As long as the 
router is network configurable then it just isn't a connection

Steve D

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