[Sussex] Re: Connecting SuSE 9.2 to Windows XP

Colin Tuckley colin at tuckley.org
Mon Apr 11 08:35:18 UTC 2005

Alan Delaney wrote:

> Hey, I just had a great idea for file-sharing between my computers, why not used the old-fashioned floppy!  Genius!  So after spending ten minutes trying to find one (!) I discover that my laptop does not have a floppy drive!  Wahey!!  Yes, I am going mad.

Several choices here:

If both machines have USB then use one of those USB pen storage flash disks.

If the laptop has USB then get/borrow a USB floppy drive (I have one - where
are you located).

Install Samba on the Linux box and share a directory so that you can copy
files. This isn't actually very difficult. Note that to connect the 2 PCs
together you will either need a cross-over network cable or 2 ordinary
"straight" cables and a hub or switch.


Colin Tuckley      |  colin at tuckley.org  |  PGP/GnuPG Key Id
+44(0)1903 236872  |  +44(0)7799 143369  |     0x1B3045CE

 "Captain, the tribbles are eating the boards, the dilithium is
  decrystalizing, the warp core integrity is shot, the engines refuse
  to talk to me, and -- worst of all -- we're out of duct tape!"

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