[Sussex] Debian /etc/network/interfaces

Alan F alan at slug.greenmeads.co.uk
Fri Apr 22 19:50:59 UTC 2005

On Fri, Apr 22, 2005 at 04:39:08PM +0100, Paul wrote:
> Have you tried simply adding "ifconfig wlan0 up" at the end of the
> configuration script, to bring the card up with new settings??
Gave it ago, still no luck. >:(

Fidding with ifconfig doesn't help because it doesn't know what access
point and key to use, so the equivilent of not being plugged in at the
wall. The interface does appear to be "up", just not doing anything
until I use dhclient (which /etc/init.d/networking should do, it did
when I had one wireless network setup as opposed to mappings)


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