[Sussex] Moots

Stephen Williams sdp.williams at btinternet.com
Fri Apr 29 09:27:53 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-04-29 at 01:09 +0100, Steve Dobson wrote:
> All
> First, many thanks to Mark H. for an exerlent presentation on Asterisk.
> I now have a handle to go away and build my own PBX.  If I could have 
> the presentation with the (small) correction then I will try and get
> it up ASAP.  I thought that it struct the right balance between 
> marking (capability) and technical (geektalk).  Those of you that
> were unable (or to lazy) to make the moot missed a good one.



Sorry I couldn't make the Moot - the missus remembered she had to
babysit for a friend at the last minute. Won't happen again.

I have an Artec AM12S SCSI Scanner going for a song - supplied with
Domex 3191d SCSI card so only suitable for desktop PC use - unless
you've got a SCSI PC Card. According to the SANE web site it's fully
supported by Sane. I've just acquired an Epson 1240u, also supported by
Sane, but because it's USB it works with the notebook PC as well. Anyone

Steve W.

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