[Sussex] This is appalling... Dutch Pass iPod Tax

Stephen Williams sdp.williams at btinternet.com
Fri Apr 29 14:14:27 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-04-29 at 14:43 +0100, Paul Turner wrote:
> Just read this on slashdot:
> An anonymous reader writes /"The Register is reporting that in a few 
> short months a proposal to tax all MP3 players in the Netherlands will 
> become law
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/04/27/netherlands_ipod_tax/

Unbelievably stupid. How much would it cost to get an off-peak return
easyJet flight from Amsterdam to somewhere out the back of beyond, cost
£5 most, and buy your iPod/MP3 Player in the duty free shops in the
terminal, then fly straight back again?

Or get your british mate to buy a load in the UK, drive a hire .com over
to clogland and swap for a van load of booze.

Steve W.

> The levy taxes 3.28 euros ($4.30 US) for every gigabyte of capacity. This
> means a 60GB iPod Photo will be hit for an additional 196 euros ($258), 
> all of it going to the record industry's copyright collection agencies. 
> And they call file sharers thieves?"
> http://apple.slashdot.org/apple/05/04/29/0537213.shtml?tid=176&tid=98/

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