[Sussex] Setting up a simple home network

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Sat Apr 30 08:36:46 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-04-30 at 09:06 +0100, Captain Redbeard wrote:
> Greetings,


<snip type="all Seems Correct upto here..." />
> So the next chapter told me I needed to have the services 
> portmap, nfsd, and mountd running on the server.  I tried 
> "ps -A" and did not find any such entries and typing the 
> names directly into bash gave me a "command not found" 
> error.  So after a brief search with the locate command I 
> found and ran rpc.portmap, rpc.nfsd and rpc.mountd so they 
> do now appear in the list when i type "ps -A".  I'm 
> *assuming* that these are the equivalent files.  Next I 
> added the following line /etc/exports:
> /home/public

My /etc/exports on my server looks like this:

/mnt/files *(sync,no_subtree_check,rw)

the Directory /mnt/files is a seperate HDD that has all my presonal
files on it.

Admittedly, I don't know what the switches mean at the end, and I will
read up on them soon, but it does work!

> which is the directory with global read/write privileges on 
> the server.  At this point in the manual the mount command 
> is used, so presumably everything should be configured 
> correctly and fully set-up.  Granted, most of what I've done 
> so far is "paint-by-numbers" style without really 
> understanding what I'm doing with some "I hope this works" 
> guesses thrown in for good measure.  Let's see how far I 
> get.  I then created a directory /home/public on the client 
> machine and typed "mount -t 
> templeofthebeard.homenet:/home/public /home/public".  The 
> result:
> mount: can't get address for templeofthebeard.homenet

I've then edited my /etc/fstab on my laptop to contain:

workhorse:/mnt/files	/mnt/files	nfs		noauto,users,rw		0 0

(watch for wrapping, those 0's should be on the same line)

workhorse is the name of my server. :)

> And this is where I've been stuck since.  Note that I've 
> been through this whole sequence several times and have done 
> numerous searches through websites and various books to find 
> ut what's wrong but most of the time they assume that your 
> trying to set your computer up as a gateway or web-server 
> and the "Home-Network-mini-HOWTO" is Red Hat specific - I 
> got as far as being told to edit the file 
> /etc/sysconfig/network, found there was no such directory on 
> my machines and stopped right there.  I also tried "ping 
>" and "ping" on both machines and got 
> "connect: Network is unreachable", this is as far as I got 
> on the "Newbie's Guide to Small Home LAN" from 
> LinuxQuestions.org.  Help, I've run out of ideas.  Sorry if 
> this posting is a bit long but I wanted to be sure I 
> included all the relevant data and I don't know enough about 
> networks to tell what's relevant and what isn't.  So please, 
> apart from being a clueless idiot, what am I doing wrong?

It seems to me that the main problem is the IP Addressing, try running 

# ifconfig eth0 192.168.1.x

on each machine subsituting x for 1 and 2 on the respective machines.
(you will need to be root to do this!)

ope this helps a bit,


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