[Sussex] FTP - Fedora core 3

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Wed Aug 10 11:33:12 UTC 2005

Hi Brendan

On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 07:51:36 +0100
"Brendan Whelan" <b_whelan at mistral.co.uk> wrote:

> Hello,
> Unfortunately, I need to use FTP to receive and send some files to
> Windows based systems. FTP is installed, but if I try to open a
> connection (even to the system I am logged into) I get "Connection
> refused". I tried to install wu-ftp, thinking that might make my task
> easier, but the installation failed. All I need to do it to allow
> several accounts to enable uploading and downloading of small files.

So you want windows clients to be able to upload to and download from
your linux machine?  In that case you will need something like wu-ftpd
or proftpd installed, ie: you need an ftp daemon running on your
machine.  This is the source of the 'Connection Refused' messages.
Without an ftp daemon running, there is service to which you can
connect and your linux box will refuse connections to port 20/21 (the
ftp ports).

Try installing wu-ftpd again and if it fails, tell us exactly what
happened, any error messages, etc.  If it does install, you should be
able to login to your linux machine using your usual username and
password, which will allow FTP access to  your home directory.


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