[Sussex] FTP - Fedora core 3

Jon Fautley jfautley at redhat.com
Wed Aug 10 14:56:24 UTC 2005

Adam J Purcell wrote:
> I believe vsftpd is the prepackaged FTP server that comes with Fedora
> 3 (certainly does with 4 an the much older RH 9).
> In that case you should be able to install it with (as root):
> yum install vsftpd
> Then you just need to start it up:
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/vsftpd start

The 'correct' method is 'service vsftpd start' and then to ensure it 
starts at boot time, use 'chkconfig --levels 234 vsftpd on'.

> Plus you need to make sure your firewall isn't blocking it.  Assuming
> your using the default iptables this will show your firewall rules:
> /sbin/iptables --list

This can all easily be managed through system-config-securitylevel 
(possibly redhat-config-security or redhat-config-securitylevel on FC3 - 
I forget). This will allow you to tick a little box marked 'FTP' and 
enable it through your firewall.


Jon Fautley <jfautley at redhat.com>     direct: +44 1483 739615
  Presales Technical Consultant        office: +44 1483 300169
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