[Sussex] Linux job opportunities

Chris Jones cmsj at tenshu.net
Thu Aug 25 00:53:48 UTC 2005


On 10:57:53 am 24/08/2005 Jon Fautley <jfautley at redhat.com> wrote:
> Have you considered the Red Hat certifications? When I was

I did mention other certification schemes, which I meant to include RHCE. I
am job hunting at the moment and am looking at quite a few sysadmin jobs a
day and if any certification is mentioned at all it is RHCE, but not very
often and very rarely as a requirement. The most recent was only because
the project involved heavy use of Kickstart.

> Maybe worth having a look at?

I'm not saying it's wrong for everyone, but I don't believe it is in any
way essential and I seriously object to the price. You guys at Red Hat
aren't shy about slapping big price tags on things ;)

Chris Jones
  cmsj at tenshu.net

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