[Sussex] Free Opera registrations

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Wed Aug 31 14:35:08 UTC 2005


On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 03:08:08PM +0100, Geoffrey Teale wrote:
> Steve Dobson wrote:
>  > So when are you going to come to a moot and present use with your
> >successful installation of OpenBIOS[1]?
> >[1] http://www.openbios.info/project/
> Upon fulfilment of two preconditions:
>   1. I have time to make it to a meet (hopefully next month)
>   2. I get openBIOS to work.

I know what you mean.  I can't find the time (or the hardware) to
try it out on.
> I would point out that using non-free BIOS, whilst annoying, is somewhat 
> sadly still essential for most computer users.  Using non-free browser 
> when there are several comparable (some would say superior) browsers 
> available that are truly free just seems stupid.

I don't disagree with you but I still think that it comes done to a
personal interpretation of "superior".

We all know people that have been exposed to Linux and other Free and
Open systems and still stay with the proprietary model.  They appear to 
overlook the shortfalls you argue of the systems they are using to stick
with something familiar.  I don't understand that argument, but then as
I come from a Unix (Solaris) background it wasn't a huge learning 
curve to climb to use Free Software instead.  So I got all the advantages
with almost none of the problems.

I do, however, know people that have and are are making that leap.  For
those that don't get it I put down to a way of thinking that you don't
get something for nothing, and paying for something get better quality.
But I don't see Free Software as coming without a price tag -- it just
isn't a commercial one.

At the end of the day I think we agree (haven't we both had this
rant before?) that the most importing thing is peoples right to
choose which software they use.


You will outgrow your usefulness.
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