[Sussex] Free Opera registrations

Geoffrey Teale gteale at cmedresearch.com
Wed Aug 31 16:24:13 UTC 2005

Steve Dobson wrote:
> Yes, but if I had a machine I didn't care about then fear wouldn't be
> a factor.  The "trouble" with running Linux is that every machine, even
> the old ones, so long as they still work, can be put to some use.


> Except for its size.  Firefox's footprint suggest bloatware to me.
> Opera, I hear, is smaller and lighter and I does the work perfectly.
> But, yes, Firefoxes freedom credentials are much, much better.

Hmm, maybe.  I know opera is used in embedded systems (phones 
principally).  That said I've not really heard anyone complain about 
Firefox's footprint, compared to Mozilla its a lightweight.

Ooh, ooh, irrelevant but strangely fitting quote:

"You're posting to a Scheme group. Around here, arguing that Java is
better than C++ is like arguing that grasshoppers taste better than
tree bark."
         -- Thant Tessman <thant at acm.org> in comp.lang.scheme

> No this is a Linux Users' Group - there isn't just you that uses Linux
> on this list :-)

A group belonging to a Linux User, possibly?   Maybe you're suggesting 
it's a group of Linux users, but in that case why the apostrophe at all? 
  From my point of view it is a set of people who have the attribute of 
Linux use in common.   For that reason I believe it is a:

Linux User Group

... for the same reason that I believe a group of numbers that are all 
integers would be an:

Integer Group

... as apposed to an:

Integers Group

.., an:

Integers' Group

... or even worse an:

Integer's Group.

Do you see?

> Unchecked probably not, but this is a _Linux_ Users' Group not a 
> _Free_Software_ Users' Group so talk about any software that runs on
> Linux is allowable, at least in my book.

Fair enough.  I didn't say that it was wrong to talk about Opera, only 
that I felt duty bound to point out the things I did.  I do consider it 
an important part of my role within the community as a whole to nudge 
people whenever they're tempted towards non-free software and to hand 
down 50 hail-stallman's as absolution for anyone who confesses to using 
it.  :-)

G.J. Teale
Development Team Leader

Cmed Group Ltd.
Holmwood, Broadlands Business Campus,
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