[Sussex] A funny thing happened on the way to the Net

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Thu Dec 15 16:27:15 UTC 2005


On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 02:35:18PM +0000, Colin Tuckley wrote:
> > For an example lets take the SLUG website.
> That's a very bad example.
> You have to assume a commercial example. One in which the number of hits is
> in the thousands per hour or higher. At that point performance becomes
> important, because without it you need to spend more money on hardware.

Why does a site have to be commercial to get the high hit rates you
require?  Groklaw is non-commercial site and has a hit rate that many
commercial site could only dream of.

I was arguing that for a website to be useful it has to be available
24x7x365.  The expectation is that the website will be open when YOU
want to visit it.  I non see that commercial/non-commercial high hit
rate/low hit rate change that.

Of course software performance is a factor, especially on a high hit
rate server.  But load balancing would be a much better solution 
than using new but untested code.

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