[Sussex] Does anyone know when/if the next issue of Linux Formatis due out?

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Thu Feb 10 23:35:09 UTC 2005


On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 10:09:32PM -0000, John D. wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 15:41:03 +0000, Steve Dobson wrote:
> > Sorry, but I'm a Debian user.  I just "apt-get dist-upgrade".  In fact  
> > I'm upgrading my old Indy box at the moment - going like a dream.  It
> > hadn't been on for over 300 days, so most of the packages need upgrading.
> It's one of those things some of us in the real world have to do from time  
> to time (not me - use gentoo, you know it makes sense :D ). It's connected  
> with a thing called "the upgrade cycle" - I'm not sure if you've heard of  
> that Steve :-P

I've heard of it.  In fact read my post (quoted by you above) you'll see
that I was UPGRADING when I wrote it.  What I don't have much experance
of is REINSTALLATION.  That's because I use a distro where the UPGRADE
works! :-)


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