[Sussex] Bynari Insight Server....

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Thu Feb 24 09:44:27 UTC 2005

Hi all,

Does anyone have any experience of Bynari's Insight Server? www.bynari.net

It is a replacement for M$ Exchange that I am currently trialling - and 
I am trying to setup the following config:

if (user exists on server) {
	deliver to user
} else {
	deliver to external SMTP server

Reason being that I want to be able to migrate users over 1 at a time - 
therefore mail to created users on the Insight server should be 
delivered to the Insight server, but mail to the same domain, but where 
the users have not yet been created should go to our existing email 

 From what I have seen so far of this product, it works well, and does 
the job I require - but I want to shift one of the managers onto it to 
get him onside.

The email is being picked up by fetchmail, and dumped into the Insight 
servers queue without a problem, however, trying to get it to send email 
to the same domain either internally or externally is a pain.

The server itself is based upon Cyrus IMAP, Postfix, etc - but I don't 
want to bugger about too much, as the Insight frontend rewrites the 
config files as and when needed.



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