[Sussex] Another place called home

David Chapman linux-lists at ntlworld.com
Thu Jan 20 16:23:33 UTC 2005

On Thursday 20 January 2005 14:33, Angelo Servini wrote:
> Ubuntu installed like a dream.
> Anybody else have any experience of installing / configuring / using
> Ubuntu?

I installed it today. Every thing went fine till I needed to "su" and it would 
not accept my root password. With SuSE this was down to the keyboard mapping.

If it's not this then I need to reset the root password which I have done 
before but can't remember how off the top of my head.

Still a job for tomorrow as I have to go to work now :-(

Don't for get Radio4 20:30Hrs "In Business" and after that is a program about 
a Swedish patent clerk and his relatives ?

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