[Sussex] A Quality product from Microsoft

Geoffrey Teale tealeg at member.fsf.org
Mon Jan 24 23:05:01 UTC 2005

I suggest you all try the same route on http://www.map24.com it comes
out with something less ridiculous.

That said, it's a little too easy to laugh at others failings - I'm no 
lover of Microsoft, but I understand a little of what is involved in 
writing a route finding algorithm - there is no perfect model.  The 
first person on this list who can give me an algortihm written in a 
valid mainstream programming language (and yes you can include LISP, 
Prolog or Godel amongst those languages if you're smart) that is 
runnable (i.e. not a joke or bullsh/t code) and will always give you a 
sensible, direct and efficient route between any two street addresses in 
the Europe wins my eternal admiration.

I dare say however if this was free software someone would have ironed 
out this particular bug bby now - and for that reason I feel I can laugh 
just a little ;-)

Furthermore, I have travelled in Norway and I can tell you all that 
there are times when the route suggested by MapPoint may even be close 
(time wise) to the route suggested by Map24.  There are times you miss 
the only ferry across the fjord by minutes and are faced with a 48 hour 
wait for the next one, or a several hundred mile diversion to get to the 
town you can see on the far shore.

Geoff Teale
Free Software Foundation <tealeg at member.fsf.org>

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