[Sussex] Logitech

Angelo Servini angelo at servini.co.uk
Wed Mar 2 20:33:30 UTC 2005

A mail I sent to Logitech and their response.

* Response (Saibal)* 	02/25/2005 10:38 PM
Dear Angelo,

Thank you for your recent inquiry about your QuickCam Messenger.

I understand that you want drivers for Linux Operating system.

Logitech generally tries to provide software support for popular 
applications by writing code that meets current software development 
standards. This way if other applications are written to the same 
standards, our products will work in them. Currently there is no support 
for the application that you have mentioned, either because your 
application is not a standard application or our software was developed 
without testing it in your application. Please visit our web site in the 
future for updated software that may include support for your application.
* Auto-Response* 	02/25/2005 01:48 PM
This is an autoresponse message. We have received your support request 
and will be responding soon.
* Customer (Angelo servini)* 	02/25/2005 01:48 PM
It would be nice if you had drivers / software for Linux. Which you dont.

So when are you going to support what is a fast growing OS that is no 
longer the realm of geeks and hobbyists?

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