[Sussex] Gentoo and gcc updating?

Stephen Williams sdp.williams at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 8 10:06:57 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 08:51 +0000, John D. wrote:
> Morning list,
> So, how would I work out which version of gcc I'm using with the system?
> Would it just be a case of "emerge gcc x.x.x" or is there other stuff 
> that I'd have to get?

If you change gcc you'll need to:

emerge gcc-config

then gcc-config -l will show what's available on your system and what
you're using.

To switch gcc versions:

gcc-config n

where n is the required version of gcc as listed by gcc-config -l

> and finally,
>Would I have to recompile the system, if so, how would I do that?

Not necessarily. If you try to emerge some of the latest versions of
certain packages and are getting a number of compile errors and
failures, them compiling them with gcc 3.4.3 might help.

You'll find that gcc-3.4.3 is still ~x86 masked, so to emerge it you'll
need to add:

sys-devel/gcc ~x86

to your /etc/portage/package.keywords file.

you'll also need:

sys-devel/gcc ~x86
sys-devel/gcc-config ~x86
sys-libs/libstdc++-v3 ~x86
sys-libs/glibc ~x86

The easiest way to recompile your system is:

emerge -e world

This tells portage to consider your world package tree to be empty.
You'll lose at least 48 hours to this, so make liberal use of the -p
option before running any emerge commands for real.

I find this method a good one for cutting edge gentoo installs:


> Cheers in advance of any assistance
> regards
> John D.
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