[Sussex] MythTV Help Required

Stephen Williams sdp.williams at btinternet.com
Sat Mar 12 22:31:07 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-03-12 at 19:09 +0000, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 12, 2005 at 12:43:27PM +0000, Stephen Williams wrote:
> > Chaps,
> > 
> > My installation of MythTV has gone well apart from 2 problems:
> > 
> > 1. mythfilldatabase is/has been a pain. I'm running xmltv-0.5.37-r1 and
> > have tried earlier versions, but they all have problems grabbing UK
> > channel listings. Eventually I used the --manual switch to do it the
> > hard way, but if anyone has a full working tv_grab_uk_rt.conf file I
> > would really appreciate a copy.
> I'm running 0.5.36 without problems...


Many thanks for the reply.

I got mythfilldatabase working using the --manual option. However, I
don't know all the channel numbers/names so I'll need to find a source
of these. Mythfilldatabase was quite happy grabbing the tv_grab_fr
listings, it just threw a bit of a wobble with the tv_grab_uk_rt
listings. Despite many hours trawling various forums I'm still littel
the wiser as to how it actually works.

> > 2. Remote control. I've downloaded the lircrc file for MythTV with the
> > Hauppauge 350 remote, but the key mapping is nowhere near ideal. Again,
> > if any one has a good lircrc file for the PVR-350 remote I'd appreciate
> > it. Failing that a list of the standard 105 key AT keyboard commands
> > would be a start.
> I'm only running a couple of PVR-250s but I presume that the LIRC config
> is the same... I've documented my set-up at
>     http://jorgensen.org.uk/mythtv/lirc.html
> feel free to grab lirc config files from there.
> _______________________________________________

The lircrc file I've downloaded is a good start, I just need to re-map
the cursor buttons.

Now I need to know how to tune the PVR 350, presumably from mythsetup,
and how to get tv output from the PVR, not just the graphics card.

Any help much appreciated.

Steve W.

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