[Sussex] Curious happenings doing gentoo kernel upgrade?

John D. john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Fri Mar 18 15:38:40 UTC 2005

Well, I've managed to get things started graphically, but only by 
changing the drive to the generic "nv" one.

Plus, even after trying Geoffs "export IGNORE_CC_MISMATCH=1" it will 
only get this far before I get

make[3]: *** 
Error 1
make[2]: *** 
Error 2
nvidia.ko failed to build!
make[1]: *** [module] Error 1
make: *** [module] Error 2

!!! ERROR: media-video/nvidia-kernel-1.0.6629-r1 failed.
!!! Function linux-mod_src_compile, Line 417, Exitcode 2
!!! Unable to make                                  
IGNORE_CC_MISMATCH=yes V=1 SYSSRC=/usr/src/linux SYSOUT=/usr/src/linux 
clean module.
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, NOT this status 


the other odd thing is that if I check "lsmod" I see this

  bash-2.05b# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
natsemi                23776  0

I'm presuming that it should be saying "Used by" as 1 (at least), but it 
seems that I can still use the NIC (generic driver or something ?) 
because I can access the web/send this, even though the boot dialogue 
keeps giving me the "natsemi Started" "natsemi Failed" comments.

I'm stuck as to what I'd need to try or look into next ?


John D.

p.s. Erm also, seeing as I've managed to start a graphic display with 
the "nv" driver, I'm presuming that it's an nvidia problem? But the 
natsemi driver, well ???

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