[Sussex] Microsoft fails to comply

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Sat Mar 19 11:31:36 UTC 2005

Steve Dobson wrote:
> Maybe there are lessons to be learned here.  Maybe we should take a 
> leaf out of the cockroaches book.  We need government by a collectives.
> Not a committee, a collective.  A collective that is made up of most 
> of the people of this country, were we all get a say in all the issues:
> health care, taxation, ...
> If, as has been shown, that the collective is greater than an expert,
> they why not use it to rule ourselves.  It has to be better than our
> current system of government where we "democraticly" elect a dictator.
> Sure, we limit his powers to five years so he can't do much harm, by
> then her can't do much good either.
A good and interesting thought Steve, however, the downside of this 
approach is time
that it would take to make large decisions - not that I actually 
disagree with the
method, I just think it would need a very clever decision making 
paradigm to make it work.

I think we all agree with TeaLeg's point that something is very wrong 
with the way in which we are governed, taxed and recieve our services. 
I also think Steve should really be living in a commune ;)

/me runs away


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