[Sussex] introducing myself

Geoffrey Teale tealeg at member.fsf.org
Sat Nov 26 21:56:49 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-11-26 at 20:05 +0000, Nic Ferrier wrote:
> Geoffrey Teale <tealeg at member.fsf.org> writes:
> > It sure does.  Fortunately the things at work that keep me from LUG
> > meets tend to be stuff like creating a structured documentation tool
> > based on muse-mode for Emacs.  That makes it all worth while.
> Nice work if you can get it.

Yes it is, although I don't mean to imply that it's what I do most of
the time - only an example of one of the tasks that I undertake.

In terms of getting that kind of work, well, I'll remind everyone on
this list that we're actively recruiting software engineers, a database
configurator and a deployment engineer (think sys-admin with a strong
emphasis on scripting and debian package creation / maintenance) right

Enquiries, and CV's to my work address:

gteale at cmedresearch.com

Geoffrey Teale <tealeg at member.fsf.org>
Free Software Foundation

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