[Sussex] [OFF TOPIC] A Plea to the Myth community.

Paul Tansom paul at aptanet.com
Tue Nov 29 09:40:32 UTC 2005

** Nik Butler <nik at butlershouse.co.uk> [2005-11-28 21:39]:
> My personal view is that the BBC should make these and other shows 
> available to download on demand and that they could charge the ( by now 
> traditional ) 99pence for the benefit. I am aware they are planning to 
> do this next year , a move which made me feel proud to be British, but 
> for now im stuck.
** end quote [Nik Butler]

Yes the BBC is in the second stage trial of Imp (I think it is called)
which allows you to access any programs up to 7 days from the original
air date. The system is based around peer to peer technology where you
pull some of it from other people who have already watched it. Sadly I
didn't get accepted for the trial. There is a slight downer on this
though. Apart from the obvious DRM built in to stop you watching things
after the 7 days (which I can accept to a degree, but it is an odd issue
given the ability to record to tape or disc), it is only available for
Windows :(

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com

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