[Sussex] Heres a Question. not linux but open source related.

Jon Fautley jfautley at redhat.com
Tue Oct 25 10:50:12 UTC 2005

nik butler wrote:
>> 2. Updates are not done via the telephone line - they're sent out over 
>> the air on a rotating 15-minute basis. If Sky release a new software 
> According to sky technical the Dialback process is part of the upgrade 
> possibly to confirm that the box is on some new version of the software.

It's possible they've changed the software to do a dialback - but 
considering you don't have to have the phone line connected for any more 
than 12 months, and the contract with having it connected is not with 
Sky, but with a 3rd party (content provider for SkyActive) I doubt it. 
Also, several million boxes all dialling in at once could cause issues.

>> Try a forced software upgrade - if they've confirmed it's available, 
>> it may already be on the air. Depends if they've set the 'force 
>> upgrade' flag on the firmware or not. Sometimes, they push beta code 
>> to the air before they tell the boxes to upgrade.
> Actually im loathe to do anything without Sky Technical Telling me to do 
> this explicitly. Since i could do without them saying its all my fault.

That's a fair point. If you have problems, sky will flag a dialback on 
your box, which reports, amongst other things, the software version.

>>> 1 ] Is any one familiar with precedent or case ( in the UK ) where a 
>>> Company has been found guilty of releasing software or an update 
>>> which damages a consumer components functionality.
>> IANAL (Geoff? :) ), but I would imagine that Sky write their terms and 
>> conditions such that 'any extra features other than being able to 
>> watch TV are purely coincidental and do not bear any resembelence to 
>> any useful features, either living or dead'.
> I wonder how that then affects you statutory rights to buy a product and 
> have it fit for purpose ?

If you've signed a contract detailing exactly what is and isn't a 
function of the product, then I don't think it matters - as long as the 
TV section is working, it is 'fit for purpose'.

I'm guessing if Sky got taken to court though, they'd lose - if it 
weren't for the fact they Mr. Murdock has more money than [probably] any 
of us on this list ;)

>>> 2] Should Sky realease the code ?
>> Would people know what to do with it if they did?
> no ... but if that statement is true why bother with any open source ?

Good answer :)

I'm not sure of the hardware specs of any of the Sky boxes, but I would 
imagine people have looked at hacking them (esp. the Sky+ boxes) and 
found it too difficult. Why not just get a TiVo? :)

Jon Fautley <jfautley at redhat.com>     direct: +44 1483 739615
  Presales Technical Consultant        office: +44 1483 300169
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