[Sussex] Flash (was BCF Working and Crawley)

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Tue Sep 6 08:26:10 UTC 2005


On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 02:33:02AM +0100, Frances Fleming wrote:
> I can finally view the floorplan - I've got Flash installed at last :)
> I counted 52 stands.

Well the floorplan of the Worthing event is not always right, so
I'd take it only as a guide.
> Had to use the wget command line method as simply clicking the download
> button never did anything.

This is weired.  I've know firefox to "stop working" for me.  Clicking 
links didn't do anything and the cursor would change as I moved it over
a page like it should.  Killing if off and then restarting it always 
fixed this.

I have done a little investigation sometimes, when it happens.  Using
top I can see that firefox is using loads of memory - well I do run
firefox for days and days and with many, many tabs, so that isn't
that surprising.

I have also noticed that the page being displays when it breaks
normally has a flash advert on them (lets face it most ads these
days appear to be flash).  As a result firefox would be using a lot
of CPU time too running the flash.

As a result I sort of assumed that the problem is in the flash plugin.
Be your browser locked up before you had the plugin installed.  Colour
me confused.
> Thank you for your instructions and help, Steve, it all went fine after
> that, although of course I have one question; please see foot of posting.

> NOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the
>       components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser.


> My question: What is it talking about, with that xpti.dat?

I have no idea.  Looking at the contents it appears to be a 
configuration file of some kind, but I have no idea what for.


Marriage, n.:
	The evil aye.
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